Hladkovytska Rural Territorial Community is a territorial community in Korosten District of Zhytomyr Oblast.

The administrative center is the village of Gladkovichi.

The area of the community is 185.5 km², the population is 4,882 people, of which: urban — 2,392 people, rural — 2,490 people (2020).

Zip Code: 11115

Address: 11115, Zhytomyr region, Korostensky district, village Hladkovichi, str. Repkina N., 5v

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00

E-mail address:

Contact numbers: 04148-79187

Chairman: Mykola Oleksandrovych Bukhovets

It was formed in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 711-r dated June 12, 2020 “On the determination of administrative centers and approval of the territories of territorial communities of Zhytomyr region”, by merging the Pershotravnev settlement and Hladkovytsk and Kolesnyk village councils of Ovrutsky district of Zhytomyr region.

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