Authorities of the city of Korosten

The executive committee (executive body) of the city and the local council (legislative body) belong to the structural divisions of the authorities of Korosten. As a separate structural unit, you can directly consider the mayor – the mayor of the city, as well as the headmen of the Korosten OTG.

Mayor of the city of Korosten

Мэр города Коростень - Москаленко Владимир Васильевич


Zhytomyr Region, Korosten, street Hrushevsky, 22. Executive Committee of the Korosten City Council

(04142) 4-10-35.

Reception of citizens of the city of Korosten every Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m., office No. 40 (3rd floor).


Moskalenko Volodymyr Vasyliovych was born in Korosten on September 29, 1953 in a family of railway workers. A citizen of Ukraine.

He graduated from the Korosten City Secondary School No. 8 and the Maritime School in the Estonian city of Pärnu. He worked as a sailor in the Estonian shipping company, in 1971-1973 he served in the navy. After finishing his service in 1974, he returned to his hometown and continued his work at the locomotive depot of St. Korosten worked as a mechanic, and then as an assistant locomotive driver. In 1976, he was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization of the locomotive depot, where he worked until 1978. From 1978 to 1990 worked as the secretary of the Korosten city committee of the Komsomol and the city committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

In 1990, in alternative elections, he was elected the first secretary of the Korosten city committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. After the termination of the activities of the Communist Party in 1991, he created the production company “Veras”, where he worked as a director until 1998.
Higher education. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Kyiv State University named after Shevchenko (1981) and Kyiv Institute of Political Science (1992).
In March 1998, he was elected mayor of Korosten for the first time, in 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, and in 2020. re-elected to this position. In the past, he was a deputy of the city council for five terms.

He was awarded the President of Ukraine with two orders: “For Merit” III degree, “For Merit” II degree, the order “Chernobyl Cross: Courage. Honor. Humanity”, orders of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church “Christmas – 2000” 1st degree, “St. Nestor the chronicler”, “St. 300 years of the Russian Navy” (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Honored with the International Award – Order of “Commonwealth” for the development of integration processes, the revival of national economies and the strengthening of international economic ties, the activation of the efforts of the business community of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Space. By the decision of the nomination committees “Inter Ceremony” (Great Britain) is presented for awarding the United Europe International Award for significant contributions to the development of European integration.

By the decision of the XXVI session of the V convocation, the title “Honorary citizen of the city of Korosten” was awarded for special merits and achievements of the city in socio-economic and cultural development, strengthening of partnership relations with other countries, high effectiveness of the leadership of the territorial community during the twelve years of holding an elected office (1998 ) 2010) and active public activity.

Engaged in sports, in particular swimming and football, honorary president of FC “Korosten”. Favorite flowers are roses. He is engaged in the study of the biological characteristics of various varieties of roses growing in the territory of Ukraine. He dreams of creating a rosary. Loves nature and communication with it, hunting, fishing.

Even in his youth, he was fascinated by philosophy. To the question of why he chose this particular science to study, he answers, quoting Epicurus, that no one abandons philosophy while he is young, so it was rather a subconscious choice. Today, he fully shares the opinion of the Ukrainian philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda that philosophy, or the love of wisdom, directs the whole circle of its affairs to the goal of giving life to our spirit, nobility to our heart, lightness to our thoughts, as the head of everything. Therefore, both in everyday life and in professional activity, he is guided by the Christian principles of mercy, tolerance, love for one’s neighbor and a personal philosophical understanding of existence.

He has a daughter, Yulia, who, after returning to her hometown after studying, became the head of Veras LLC, takes an active part in public life and the development of the city. On July 13, 2007, she presented her father with a grandson.

Volodymyr Vasylovich Moskalenko, as the mayor, demonstrates competence and deep knowledge in various spheres of socio-economic development. In the extreme situation that arose in connection with the radioactive contamination of the Korosten territory as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, he mobilized the relevant services and the population to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the city’s vital activities. Developed with the participation of Volodymyr Moskalenko, the project of creating a zone of special economic development in the city of Korosten is based on the Law of Ukraine “On the Special Regime of Investment Activity in the Areas of Priority Development in the Zhytomyr Oblast”, which was introduced in Korosten.
Appreciating the significant contribution of Moskalenko V.V. in overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, improving the environmental protection legislation of Ukraine and the ecological situation in the city, awarded him with the highest award of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Soyuz-Chernobyl of Ukraine” with the Order of “Chernobyllsky cross: Courage, Honor, Humanity”. During the 12 years of his presidency, the economic decline of the city was stopped, the work of industrial enterprises was stabilized, and small and medium-sized businesses are rapidly developing. Since 2001, Korosten has been one of the first places in the field of production
of industrial production per inhabitant, wages are the highest in Zhytomyr Oblast and exceed the average regional level by almost 21%.
Thanks to high professionalism and experience as a manager, Korosten was recognized several times as one of the best small cities of Ukraine and entered into the Golden Book of the business elite of Ukraine. Products of the Korosten industry are exported to 14 countries of the world. One of the priorities in the activities of Volodymyr Moskalenko is the support of small and medium-sized businesses, the creation of favorable conditions for the successful implementation of investment projects (in 2006, the volume of foreign direct investments increased by 40%). And as a result of this work – new jobs and additional revenues to the local budget, which are directed to the solution of social problems of Korosten residents and the improvement of the glorious city.
According to the results of research conducted by the “Institute of Reforms”, Korosten took 14th place among 50 cities of Ukraine in the rating of investment attractiveness. Guided in his work by the principles of a systematic and scientific approach to the objective solution of issues of city life.

Volodymyr Vasyliovych initiated the implementation of the quality management system based on the international standard ISO 9001:2000, taking an important step towards European integration. As a result, Korosten became one of the six cities of Ukraine that implemented a quality management system (QMS) based on the international standard ISO 9001:2000.
Trust, open and transparent relations are the main principle of the mayor’s work, which is why more than 83% of Korosten citizens support him (according to the latest sociological research). A direct evidence of this is the fact that in 2004 the local government was awarded a certificate by the Association of Cities of Ukraine for winning the All-Ukrainian competition of the best practices in local self-government of Ukraine in the nomination “Government and society: trust relations” and was awarded a bronze owl, which embodies wisdom and prudence.

Moskalenko Volodymyr Vasyliovych initiated the creation of the Association of Chornobyl Cities, the Club of Countrymen of the Korosten Oblast, and the Association “Council of Directors and Managers of the City”. Volodymyr Vasyliovych actively involves the team led by him in the implementation of domestic and foreign projects. The implementation of each of them brought many benefits to the city community:

The Ukraine-USA Foundation “Community Partnership Program for Dissemination of Local Self-Government Experience”.

Training and consultations of local self-government officials are provided with the aim of increasing the professional level, developing intellectual and creative abilities. (1998)
VNG project (Netherlands) “Toward open and accessible government in Ukraine at the local level”
An information and advisory center was created (1999), which was introduced into the structure of the executive committee as a department of information and advisory support (2000).
Institute of Society Transformation (Kyiv)

The project “Ukrainian cities on the Internet” was implemented, the official website of the city of Korosten was created (2001).

UNDP Renaissance and Development Program “Social mobilization of the population”
To ensure the conditions of a healthy lifestyle, a sports ground was created in the city of Korosten (2002). Economic development programs are being implemented in the territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster. In 2006, the second meeting of the Chernobyl Economic Development Forum was held in Korosten.
J. and K. Makarturov Foundation (USA)
The research project “Investigation of prospects for the development of youth and women’s entrepreneurship in small towns of the country” was implemented (2003).
USAID/PADCO project “Tariff Reform and Restructuring of Utilities in Ukraine”
Strategic plans of Vodokanal and Korostenteplozazepechennya utility enterprises have been developed and are being implemented (2004).
Volyn Resource Center (Rivne)
The project “Program of local environmental actions (MEP) was implemented, within the framework of which an analysis of the city’s ecological condition was carried out, and the main tasks for its improvement were developed (2004).
BIZPRO project (USA)
In order to improve the climate for the development of entrepreneurship, the Unified Permit Office was created (2005) and the basics of regulatory policy were introduced.
United States Agency for International Development
The project “Reform of local budgets in Ukraine” was implemented (2006).
Young Democracy Foundation (Poland)
The “European East” project (financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland), which gave impetus to the implementation of the quality management system in the executive committee and the creation of the Polish-Ukrainian Center for Civil Education. The Polish-Canadian project “Through quality to transparency”, which provided significant assistance in the implementation of the quality management system. (2006)
Pragma Corporation USAID (USA)
The 1st stage of the municipal bond program “Initiatives to promote lending” was implemented (2006)
Shv the Imperial Agency for Cooperation and Development (attached to the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine)
The project “Promoting the improvement of the quality of municipal services” (2007) is being implemented.

Caring for the preservation of the historical heritage of the city, Volodymyr Moskalenko initiated archaeological research on its territory, according to the results of which the International Archaeological Conference “Ancient Iskorosten and Slavic Castles of the VIII-X Centuries”, held in the city, established that Korosten is 1,300 years old. On the eve of the celebration of the glorious anniversary of the city, Volodymyr Vasyliovych initiated the creation of the Association of Ancient Cities of Ukraine, which he later headed. Over the past few years, on the initiative of the mayor, many interesting monuments have appeared in the city: a memorial to Prince Mal, a memorial sign in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God, a memorial sign in honor of the small coat of arms of the Ukrainian People’s Republic adopted in 1918 – the trident.
A lot of attention is paid to the military-historical complex “Skelya”, which during the Great Patriotic War became a kind of Brest fortress. The “Rock” facility is an example of a fortification structure, a pearl of engineering thought of the thirties of the 20th century, the existence and history of which was undeservedly forgotten in previous years. Today, the object can rightfully be called a symbol of the whole era. Work continues on the creation of the national historical and archaeological museum-reserve “Ancient Iskorosten. The historical work “Book about Korosten” was published twice (in 2003 and 2005), authored by the mayor Volodymyr Moskalenko. Since 2008, thanks to the efforts of the mayor of the city of Korosten Moskalenko, the annual Derun festival will continue, in which representatives of Ukrainian cities, as well as from near and far abroad, participate. and conducting the concert are taken over by local authorities headed by Volodymyr Moskalenko.

Great attention is paid to the development of physical culture and sports. In recent years, the network of sports and health facilities has grown significantly. Spartak Stadium became the main sports arena of the city. Reconstruction of the central stands and the football field of the stadium has been carried out, and the construction of the physical culture and health complex is being completed. 2 mini-soccer fields were built at the “Spartak” and “Lokomotiv” stadiums, as well as sports grounds in the microdistricts. Today, Korosten residents have the best stadium in the region. Korosten has become one of the best sports cities in the region. In 2006, based on the results of work in the field of physical culture and sports in the Zhytomyr region, the city was awarded the winner’s cup for high sports achievements.
A lot of attention is paid to improvement works, which changed the appearance of the city. The “Neighbourhood” program has been developed, according to which remote neighborhoods of the city are organized. in Ukraine with improvement among the cities of regional subordination. Taking into account the need for a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of the city’s life in the conditions of the transition to market relations, agreements were signed between the Korosten City Council and the Ukrainian Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine regarding the development of a scientific project for the socio-economic development of the city, and the training of deputy mayors in the Academy for master’s programs was provided. For the first time in 2006, elections were held to the Youth City Council, whose activities are aimed at improving the situation in the youth environment.

The city government actively supports the activities of public organizations: the Council of Veterans, the Women’s Council. The secondary general education institutions were reformed: the Korosten city gymnasium, the educational complex “Kindergarten-school-gymnasium” with modern technologies was opened. The Executive Committee of the Korosten City Council introduced the “Mayor’s Award”, which has been awarded to students – winners of science olympiads for the past five years, and since 2006 – orphan students studying at the city college have been paid tuition. With the support of the mayor, the following children’s rehabilitation center “Faith. Hope. Love”, the first institution for terminally ill people in Ukraine – St. Elena’s Hospice, as well as a boarding house for the elderly – have been opened and are successfully operating in the city.

In October 2020 elected mayor for the sixth time.

Mayor V.V. Moskalenko enjoys the respect and authority of the city’s population, because in his daily activities he always defends the interests of the people of Korosten, knows their problems deeply and is always open in communicating with people. a professional in his field, has exceptional organizational skills, thanks to which he gathered a creative, proactive, stable team around him.

Deputy mayors of the city of Korosten

First Deputy Mayor Volodymyr Vasylovich Vyhovskyi

11512, Zhytomyr Region, Korosten, St. Hrushevsky, 22

office 42 (III floor) phone (04142) 9-65-24

Reception of residents: Monday 9.00-13.00

Oleksandr Anatoliyovych Yasinetskyi, deputy mayor

On the activities of the council’s executive bodies in the sphere of balanced economic and social development of the city

11512, Zhytomyr Region, Korosten, St. Hrushevsky, 22

office 29 (II floor) phone (04142) 4 10 53

Reception of residents: Wednesday 9.00-13.00

Deputy Mayor Korniychuk Volodymyr Oleksandrovich

On the activities of the annexed territories of executive bodies of the council

11512, Zhytomyr Region, Korosten, St. Hrushevsky 22

office 46 (III floor) phone (04142) 4-23-38

Reception of residents: Thursday 9.00-13.00

Oleksandr Petrovych Synytskyi, deputy mayor

Regarding the activities of the executive bodies of the Council for the implementation of state policy in the field of education, social protection, health care, culture and sports, promotion of the activities of political and public organizations

11512, Zhytomyr Region, Korosten, St. Hrushevsky 22

office 27 (II floor) phone (04142) 4-31-84

Reception of residents: Tuesday 9.00-13.00

Andriy Valeriyovych Okhrimchuk, manager of affairs of the executive committee

11512, Zhytomyr Region, Korosten, St. Hrushevsky, 22

office 30 (II floor) phone (04142) 9-63-79

Reception of residents: Monday 9.00-13.00