Korostensky district is an administrative unit in the north of the central part of Zhytomyr region. The administrative center is the city of Korosten.

After the reform of consolidation of districts in 2020, Korostenskyi included 5 more districts territorially located in the north of Zhytomyr region (Malynskyi, Olevskyi, Luginskyi, Narodytskyi, Ovrutskyi). An interesting fact – our Korosten district is the largest in Ukraine by area.

The population of Korosten district as of 2020 is 258,935 people.

The area of the district territory is 10897.6 km 2

Number of territorial communities in the district: 13

List of communities of the Korosten district:

Choose the section that interests you

Население Коростенского района

  • Territorial structure of Korosten district

Климат Коростенского района

Растительность Коростенского района

Животный мир Коростенского района

Грунты Коростенского района

Промышленность Коростенского района

Сельское хозяйство Коростенского района

Торговля Коростенского района

Хозяйственный комплекс Коростенского района