The housing and communal services of the city of Korosten is an important social sector that provides the population, enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the economy with the necessary housing and communal services, significantly affects the development of economic relations.

There are 14 enterprises and organizations in the housing and communal services of the city of Korosten, which include KP “Vodokanal”, KP “Heat supply”, a utility production and economic enterprise, KP “Road-operational site”, four KVZHREP, three condominiums, SE “Korostenlift” , ZhSK “Lokomotiv”, PE “Korosten residential service No. 5”, which from 01.02. 2009 began to provide services for the maintenance of houses and adjacent territories in the housing stock of communal property based on the results of the competition. The housing and communal services sector employs about 5 percent of the able-bodied population.

The total number of residential buildings of communal property as of 01.01.2009 – 708 units total area – 777.9 thousand m2 (number of apartments – 15,905), including:

– Up to five floors – 542 houses (of which 327 are one-story);
– 5-storey – 149 houses;
– 9-storey – 17 houses.

In addition, 3 condominiums: “Iskorost”, “Farforovik”, “Nadezhda” serve 16 houses (14 – 5-storey, 2 – 9-storey) with a total area of ​​​​59.122 thousand m2 and the housing and construction cooperative “Lokomotiv” – 3 five-storey houses with a total area of ​​6.73 thousand m2.

58% of communal property houses are equipped with central heating, 60% have water supply and sanitation, and 65% have gas supply.

Select the municipality you are interested in:

ЖЭК №1 города Коростень

ЖЭК №2 города Коростень

ЖЭК №3 города Коростень

ЖЭК №4 города Коростень

Водоканал города Коростень

Теплосеть города Коростень

In the “Communal services” section, for the convenience of the search, two more enterprises have been added (private / state property):

Предприятие электросети города Коростень

Газовое хозяйство города Коростень