About the city of Malyn, Korosten district, Zhytomyr region

Malyn is the center of the Malyn Territorial Community, located on the banks of the Irsha River, 103 km northeast of Zhytomyr and 105 km west of Kyiv, not far from the Kyiv-Kovel-Warsaw highway. An important highway passes through the city – the South-Western Railway. Having a favorable geographical position, an extensive network of highways, Malyn is at the same time a railway station of national and international importance. The city is connected to Kyiv and Zhytomyr by rail and road.

City Day is held annually on the third Saturday in September. The territory under the authority of the city council is 6,092.7 hectares.

The population has more than 27 thousand inhabitants, by nationality: Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Czechs, Belarusians.

The telephone code of the city is 04133.

The first historical mention of the city dates back to 891. The name of the city of Malyna is associated with the name of a legendary person from the times of Kyivan Rus – Prince Mal. After all, this name is clearly traced in the root of the word “Raspberry”. Prince Mal is especially often mentioned in the annals about the rebellion of the Drevlians against Prince Igor of Kyiv in 945. However, there are new hypotheses regarding the origin of the name Malina. Some scholars believe that the name of the city comes from the name of the daughter of Mal Drevlyansky – Malusha, who was enslaved by Princess Olga and, thanks to her nobility, received the important position of key-keeper at the Kiev court. Olga’s son, Svyatoslav, fell in love with Malusha, the Drevlyan princess, and later they had a son, the future Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv. Malin served as an outpost on the eastern borders of the Drevlya land. That is why he was attacked during Olga’s punitive campaign.

On the territory of the city, in its southeastern part, the remains of an ancient Russian settlement, founded at the turn of the VIII-IX centuries as a point of fortification of one of the East Slavic tribes – the Drevlians, have been preserved. Some scholars believe that it was built by Prince Mal Drevlyansky. At the end of the 9th century, an open settlement appeared near the fortification. Within the 10th century, the settlement on the banks of the Irsha River was destroyed. This is associated with the well-known campaign of Princess Olga against the Drevlians (946): the unruly inhabitants of Iskorosten refused to pay Igor a double tribute. And so that he did not go to them again and again, they killed him. Igor’s wife, Princess Olga, decided to take revenge on the insidious Drevlians and burned Iskorosten. Obviously, Malyn, which is geographically located on the route Kyiv — Iskorosten, also suffered from the punishing hand of the cruel princess. There are many examples in history when cities perished forever after such events, but Malin managed to be reborn again…

Coat of arms of Malyn city

The city’s coat of arms and flag were designed by Yevhen Hryshchenko, a resident of Malyna, and approved at the session of the city council on June 13, 2001.

The main background of the coat of arms of the city is green and symbolizes the Polissky region.
In the center of the background there are two vertical stripes of the colors of the flag of Ukraine. The name of the city is placed in the upper part, in the center – a scroll of paper, which symbolizes the ancient origin of the city and the main branch of the city’s industry – the production of paper and products from it.
On the background of the scroll is a white dove, a symbol of peace and the history of Drevlya. In the lower part of the coat of arms is the year
founding of the city.

Flag of the city of Malyn

The city flag is a rectangle with a width to length ratio of 1:2. The colors of the Ukrainian national flag are depicted vertically on a green background. The coat of arms of the city is placed in the upper left corner of the flag.

Hymn of Malin

sl. E. Hryshchenko, music. R. Oleksienko

Through the years and ages, the path was not easy
For the proud city of Drevlya.
But the stars were shining, the rivers were flowing,
To fill the future with meaning.
Where there is the river Irsha, where there are pines and oaks
The earth and the sky are united in an alloy,
Dear Malyn, you have wings to stand
Here to the glory of the Ukrainian state.
The winds are blowing and the fire is burning fiercely,
Only they did not break their spirit.
Don’t be scared, don’t be afraid, because to live and create
Our native Malyn was laid to rest.
He is always young, as in May gardens,
How singing is my Ukraine.
We need to protect him, go with him into the future,
To everyone’s pride, cherishing the change.

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