Schedule of passenger trains at the station Korosten

This page contains the most up-to-date passenger train schedule for Korosten station. The railway timetable changes 2 times a year and you can see the latest changes (as of 10.06.2023 ). In view of the fact that very often the schedule of individual passenger trains changes for various reasons, we strongly recommend the availability of trains, check the schedule change at the reference railway station of Korosten station by phone (04142) 2-21-31

Schedule of passenger trains passing the station Korosten.

Updated as of 19.12.2023 

The schedule of passenger trains at Korosten station may change, so we recommend that you check the availability of the train at the information desk of the railway station of Korosten station by phone: (04142) 2-21-31.

Updated as of 19.12.2023 

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